Sailing at the 1968 Summer Olympics – Dragon

at the Games of the XIX Olympiad
Venue Acapulco
Dates 14-21 October
Competitors 69 from 23 nations
Teams 23
    United States
    East Germany
«1964 1972»
Sailing at the
 1968 Summer Olympics 
Finn Open
Flying Dutchman Open
Star Open
Dragon Open
5.5 Metre Open

The Dragon was a sailing event on the Sailing at the 1968 Summer Olympics program in Acapulco. Seven races were scheduled. 69 sailors, on 23 boats, from 23 nations competed.



Helmsman (Country) Crew Country
Race I Race II Race III Race IV Race V Race VI Race VII Total
Rank Points Rank Points Rank Points Rank Points Rank Points Rank Points Rank Points
 George Friedrichs  (USA) Barton Jahncke
Gerald Schreck
US 2 3 6 11.7 1 0 1 0 2 3 1 0 1 0 17.7 6
 Aage Birch  (DEN) Poul Richard Høj Jensen
Niels Markussen
D 6 11.7 1 0 2 3 10 16 3 5.7 2 3 2 3 42.4 26.4
 Paul Borowski  (GDR) Karl-Heinz Thun
Konrad Weichert
GO 1 0 2 3 3 5.7 4 8 4 8 6 11.7 4 8 44.4 32.7
4  Steve Tupper  (CAN) Dave Miller
Tim Irwin
KC 3 5.7 8 14 13 19 6 11.7 8 14 7 13 3 5.7 83.1 64.1
5  John Cuneo  (AUS) Thomas Anderson
John Ferguson
KA 8 14 4 8 9 15 2 3 5 10 11 17 9 15 82 65
6  Gunnar Broberg  (SUI) Lennart Eisner
Sven Hanson
S 7 13 11 17 5 10 9 15 6 11.7 5 10 6 11.7 88.4 71.4
7  Klaus Oldendorff  (FRG) Peter Stulcken
Axel May
G 16 22 5 10 14 20 8 14 1 0 4 8 16 22 96 74
8  Michel Briand  (FRA) Michel Alexandre
Pierre Blanchard
F 13 19 3 5.7 12 18 17 23 7 13 3 5.7 14 20 104.4 81.4
9  Héctor Schenone  (ARG) Boris Belada
Pedro Sisti
A 15 21 9 15 7 13 5 10 17 23 10 16 11 17 115 92
10  Cornelis Groot  (NED) Jan Bol
Pieter de Zwart
H 10 16 DNF 28 18 24 3 5.7 11 17 13 19 7 13 122.7 94.7
11  Jury Anisimov  (URS) Valery Ruzhnikov
Valery Afanasiev
SR 12 18 7 13 4 8 13 19 14 20 DNF 29 12 18 125 96
12  Theodor Sommerschield  (NOR) Jan-Erik Aarberg
Erik Wiik-Hansen
N 4 8 15 21 11 17 19 25 15 21 16 22 5 10 124 99
13  Kirkland Cooper  (BER) Eugene Simmons
Richard Belbin
KB 9 15 14 20 10 16 7 13 10 16 14 20 18 24 124 100
14  Robin Judah  (GBR) Charles Reynolds
David Tucker
K 5 10 17 23 6 11.7 20 26 16 22 15 21 8 14 127.7 101.7
15  Odysseus Eskitzoglou  (GRE) Georgios Zaimis
Anastassios Voyatzis
GR 14 20 10 16 8 14 16 22 18 24 8 14 17 23 133 109
16  Godfrey Kelly  (BAH) George Ramsey
David Kelly
BA DNF 28 DNF 28 17 23 14 20 9 15 9 15 10 16 145 117
17  Melo Menezes  (POR) Fernando Lima
Sarafana Weck
P 17 23 13 19 15 21 11 17 DNF 29 12 18 20 26 153 124
18  Javier Velázquez  (MEX) Roberto Sloane
Esteban Gerard
MX 19 25 20 26 16 22 12 18 12 18 18 24 13 19 152 126
19  John Park  (HKG) William Turnbull
Paul Coope
KH 20 26 12 18 20 26 15 21 13 19 22 28 19 25 163 135
20  Barton Kirkconnell  (JAM) Charles Ogilvie
Steven Henriques
KJ 11 17 16 22 22 28 21 27 22 28 17 23 15 21 166 138
21  Angel Riveras  (ESP) Manuel Baiget
Eugenio Jaudenes
E 18 24 19 25 19 25 18 24 19 25 19 25 22 28 176 148
22  Daniel Trujillo  (VEN) Herve Roche
Frohmund Burger
V 21 27 18 24 21 27 23 29 20 26 20 26 21 27 186 157
23  Hsiu-Hsiung Chen  (THA) Jen-Chih Chang
Chih-Fu Chen
TA DNS 29 DNS 29 DNF 29 22 28 21 27 21 27 23 29 198 169

DNF = Did Not Finish, DNS= Did Not Start, DSQ = Disqualified

= Male,  = Female

Daily standings

Conditions at Acapulco

Of the total of three race areas were needed during the Olympics in Acapulco. Each of the classes was new Olympic scoring system.

Date Race Weather Temperature
Wind direction
Wind speed
Sea Current
14-OCT-1968 I Fair 29 300 16 Choppy 0.5-120
15-OCT-1968 II Fair 29 293 20 Calm 0.2-160
16-OCT-1968 III Fair 28.5 290 8-9 Calm 0.2-130
17-OCT-1968 IV Fair 29.5 235 6 Calm 0.1-300
19-OCT-1968 V Normal 29.8 187 6 Calm 1-326
20-OCT-1968 VI Fair 30 225 5 Calm 0.7-275
21-OCT-1968 VII Cloudy 28.5 285 12 Choppy 1-110


  1. ^ The 1968 Olympic scoring system was used.
  2. ^ Total after applying discard.
